Flooding can happen in any location at any time. Even though many people associate floods with coastal properties, flooding can take place inland as well. That is why you always need to take a look at the map to figure out whether your property is located in a flood zone. There are some situations where your lender might require you to purchase flood insurance. What do you need to know? What Is Protected And What Is Not? When you purchase flood insurance, there are three broad components that you should examine. You need to check and see whether the policy covers the building, the contents of … [Read More...]
Are you current or former member of the US military service who is looking to buy a new home? If so, you will be pleased to know that there are some special mortgage programs that are open to you. Let's take a look at five reasons why a mortgage backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs is an excellent choice when buying your new home. You Can Borrow Up To 100% Of The Home's Value You read that correctly! VA-backed mortgages are available to you even if you choose to put no money towards your down payment. This can be a huge benefit for those individuals and families who are looking to … [Read More...]
Are you in the market for a new house or condo? Whether you're looking for something luxurious or intimate, you'll want to ensure that you have enough space for all of life's necessities. Many home buyers focus on bedrooms, bathrooms and living areas as their top priorities. But have you given any thought to your closet space? In today's blog post we'll explore why a spacious walk-in closet should be high on your list of "must-haves" for your new home. Enough Storage For A Stylish Couple An upgrade in storage space is the main reason to have a large walk-in closet – and for good reason. … [Read More...]
Last week’s economic reporting included readings on construction spending, public and private sector job growth, and the national unemployment rate. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released. Construction Spending Falls in August The Commerce Department reported less construction spending in August as spending fell by -0.70 percent to $1.78 trillion as compared to July’s reading of $1.79 trillion. August construction spending was lower than the expected reading of -0.20 percent and July’s revised construction spending reading of -0.60 percent. … [Read More...]
Are you listing your home for sale now, or in the near future? If so, you have probably come to terms with the fact that soon you'll be having strangers tour through your home asking all kinds of questions about it. In today's blog post we'll take a look at three strange questions that buyers might ask and how to approach answering them. "Has Anyone Died In This House Or Is It Haunted?" You might have chuckled when you read that, but questions about paranormal activity are more common than you think. Many people have beliefs and superstitions about ghosts, ghouls, demons and other spirits that … [Read More...]
Staging is one of the most important aspects of any home sale. The more attractive your home is to potential buyers, the faster you can finalize the sale and move on. With that in mind, let's explore four home staging ideas that won't cost a fortune but are sure to impress your buyers. #1: Clean The Place Until It Shines The first and most obvious option is not going to cost much more than your time. Your home needs to be absolutely, positively spotless. The floors should be so clean that you would have no issue with eating off of them. The walls should be clean and free of marks. Windows and … [Read More...]