If you are planning on purchasing a home in the near future, you need to make sure you have enough money saved up. While there are a lot of expenses that go along with purchasing a home, the biggest expense is the down payment. The common belief is that people have to put 20 percent down; however, even if you don’t have 20 percent saved up, you might still be able to purchase a home. It will depend on whether you can get a lender to provide a loan that is greater than 80 percent of the purchase price of a home. If you have a strong credit history, you may be able to get one. Getting A … [Read More...]
There are a lot of people who are wondering if now is the right time to move or refinance their current home loan. With interest rates still favorable, a lot of homeowners have the potential to save a lot of money if they are able to secure a home loan with a lower interest rate. There are two ways homeowners can secure a home loan with a lower interest rate. The first is to refinance. The second is to move. Which option is better? There are a few key points to keep in mind. Taking A Closer Look At Refinancing There are a lot of homeowners who have an abundance of equity currently built … [Read More...]
Many people make the decision to move from the country or the suburbs into the heart of the downtown area for a number of reasons, such as to enjoy proximity to work or to enjoy the urban lifestyle. With the higher cost of real estate in central urban areas and with real estate space at a premium, many who make the decision to relocate will need to downsize from a larger house to a smaller condo or apartment. While this can be challenging, it can be accomplished by following a few steps. Choose The Right Pieces To Keep When downsizing from a larger house to a smaller apartment or condo, it is … [Read More...]
There are millions of homeowners that are parents waiting for their advance child tax credits to arrive; however, they might not be sure exactly how much money they are going to get. This makes it difficult to set a budget. Some parents could expect to receive $300 per month between now and December. The rest of the credit should arrive after filing their tax returns next year. How much will parents receive? The Process Of Calculating A Child Tax Credit Because of recent changes in federal tax laws, the expanded child tax credit has increased the limit from $2,000 (the limit in 2020) to a … [Read More...]
Last week’s economic news included readings from the National Association of Home Builders on housing markets and Commerce Department readings on housing starts and building permits issued. Weekly reports on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also published. NAHB: Home Builder Sentiment Slips Amid High Materials Prices, Labor Shortages The National Association of Home Builders Housing Market Index fell two points to a May index reading of 81. Readings above 50 indicate that most home builders are confident in market conditions, but builder sentiment has fallen from its peak … [Read More...]
The Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve said in its post-meeting statement that the Federal Reserve expects to raise its benchmark interest rate range twice during 2023. No rate changes will be made during 2022 as the economy continues to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. The Fed’s current interest rate range is 0.00 to 0.25 percent. Fed Expects "Transitory" Inflation The Fed's post-meeting FOMC statement said that although Committee members adjusted their forecast for raising the Fed's benchmark interest rate range, members did not predict long-term inflation … [Read More...]