If your personal budget is similar to many other people's budgets, your home mortgage payment is by far the largest expense that you pay for each month. In fact, this payment may easily account for 20 or 25 percent or more of your take-home income. Understandably, you may be focused on trying to pay this expense off early. By focusing on this payment, you can build equity and may be able to achieve financial security more quickly. You simply have to find a way to put aside a bit of extra cash regularly so that you can make extra payments, and there are few easy ways that you can consider. Use … [Read More...]
It’s exciting to be able to move into a new home. But there are some tricky details to navigate when you already own a home and you’re ready to buy a new one. Should you buy or sell first? Don’t worry. There are viable solutions. Should You Sell First? Think about how selling your home first will impact your family. On the one hand, you’ll be in a better financial position. You’ll have cash in the bank. You may be able to negotiate better terms on your new house by putting more down. However, selling first may mean moving into temporary housing while you find … [Read More...]
It is important for everyone to diversify their investments. When people hear this term, they usually think about diversifying their investments across stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. In addition, it is also a prudent idea to leave the traditional financial markets and look for other sources of wealth as well. This includes real estate. Without a doubt, this has been a challenging year. At the same time, those who are looking to build wealth should consider purchasing a house this year. There are several reasons why. Mortgage Loans Are At Historic Lows Those who have checked mortgage rates … [Read More...]
Last week’s economic reports included readings from Case-Shiller on home prices, the Federal Housing Finance Agency also reported on home prices and the Commerce Department released data on sales of new homes and pending home sales. The University of Michigan released its Consumer Sentiment Index, and weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were released. Case-Shiller Home Price Indices Report Fastest Price Growth in 7 Years The S&P Case Shiller National Home Price Index reported December home prices rose at the fastest pace since 2014. The National Home Price Index … [Read More...]
When you are going through the process of looking for a new home, you are probably focused on the sticker price of that home. Even though it is important to think about your down payment, your monthly mortgage payment, and the total amount of the loan, there are other expenses that you might need to cover as well. If you do not put down enough money, there is a chance that the lender could ask you to pay for something called private mortgage insurance. What is private mortgage insurance and how much do you have to pay? There are several important points that you should keep in mind. Why You … [Read More...]
For those who are getting ready to put their home on the market, they want to make sure they get as much money as possible for their home. This means making a positive first impression. There is never a second chance to make a first impression. Therefore, homeowners need to make sure they do everything possible to "wow" potential buyers at open houses and showings. What are a few of the top tips that homeowners should keep in mind? Listen To The Agent Homeowners know their home the best. Therefore, they feel like they are able to show their home in the best manner possible. Even though they … [Read More...]