The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone and this includes the real estate industry. One of the biggest impacts that this pandemic has had involves the home lending process. Because many people are looking for ways to buy a home while engaging in proper social distancing measures, the industry has had to adapt. Learn more about some of the changes the COVID-19 pandemic has forced on the home lending process. Homes Are Getting More Affordable The demand for homes right now is high; however, homes are still more affordable than they have been in the past. Lenders are trying to find ways to … [Read More...]
Are you a homeowner who is thinking about selling their current home and making an upgrade to a newer, larger home? If you're facing the prospect of having to manage a home purchase and a home sale at the same time you'll find that there are numerous priorities that are begging for your attention. In today's blog post we'll share a few tips for how to manage a buying and selling transaction simultaneously without being overwhelmed by them. Start By Getting Your Finances In Order Before you start the hunt for a new home you'll want to ensure that your finances are in order and that you're … [Read More...]
When people start the process of trying to find a home, they want to make sure that they take the time to get this decision right. The reality is that a home is the most expensive purchase that most people are ever going to make. As a result, they need to make sure they find a home that will meet their needs. At the same time, it will be hard to find a home that is truly perfect. Therefore, it is a great idea for everyone to come up with a list of necessities and a list of features on which they can be more flexible. How can people do this? How can people fall in love with an imperfect home? … [Read More...]
Last week’s economic news included readings from Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, along with Commerce Department readings on public and private-sector job growth and the University of Michigan’s Consumer Sentiment Index. Weekly reports on jobless claims and mortgage rates were also released. Case-Shiller: Home Price Growth Ramps Up as Demand for Homes Increases July home prices rose at a year-over-year rate of 4.80 percent in July as compared to June’s reading of 4.40 percent. Shortages of available homes were driven by demand. Homebuyers were looking for larger homes to … [Read More...]
The real estate market has been in flux during the past few months. As a result, this could be a great time to both buy and sell a home. This is because mortgage rates are attractive for borrowers right now. With so many people who are looking to buy a home, is likely the people selling a home are going to receive multiple offers. On the other hand, given what the mortgage market looks like right now, borrowers also have attractive options. As a result, many people are wondering if they should buy a house with cash or take advantage of low interest rates. For homebuyers in this position, there … [Read More...]
Home price growth fueled by high demand for single-family homes was higher in July according to Case-Shiller’s National Home Price Index. Analysts said that millennials seeking to purchase homes and the continued exodus from large urban areas propelled rising home prices. Home prices grew fastest in the West and Southeastern regions. While home prices grew moderately before the pandemic, high unemployment has not impeded rapid home price growth since the pandemic. Low mortgage rates and more demand for homes overcame consumers’ concerns about jobs and the economy. Analysts said … [Read More...]