Imagine having some extra cash on hand, enough to make a significant financial decision that could potentially shape your future. You've worked hard to build equity in your home, and now you find yourself at a crossroads. Should you invest in a vacation home or use the money to pay off your first mortgage? Vacation Home-Pros A Place to Escape: Owning a vacation home provides you with a tranquil getaway, a place to unwind and recharge. It offers the potential for making lasting memories with family and friends. Rental Income: If you decide not to use the vacation home year-round, you can rent … [Read More...]
Imagine having some extra cash on hand, enough to make a significant financial decision that could potentially shape your future. You've worked hard to build equity in your home, and now you find yourself at a crossroads. Should you invest in a vacation home or use the money to pay off your first mortgage? Vacation Home-Pros A Place to Escape: Owning a vacation home provides you with a tranquil getaway, a place to unwind and recharge. It offers the potential for making lasting memories with family and friends. Rental Income: If you decide not to use the vacation home year-round, you can rent … [Read More...]
Last week’s economic reporting included readings on inflation, consumer sentiment, and weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims. Inflation Rates Are Similar in August Month-to-month, the inflation rate holds relatively steady at 3.18 percent. This is slightly up when compared to 2.97 percent last month; however, it is significantly lower than the rate of 8.52 percent last year. When compared to the long-term average, inflation is trending in the right direction, as the long-term average is 3.2 percent. Inflation rose at a pace of 0.20 percent in July and met … [Read More...]
Last week’s economic reporting included readings on inflation, consumer sentiment, and weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims. Inflation Rates Are Similar in August Month-to-month, the inflation rate holds relatively steady at 3.18 percent. This is slightly up when compared to 2.97 percent last month; however, it is significantly lower than the rate of 8.52 percent last year. When compared to the long-term average, inflation is trending in the right direction, as the long-term average is 3.2 percent. Inflation rose at a pace of 0.20 percent in July and met … [Read More...]
Last week’s economic reporting included readings on inflation, consumer sentiment, and weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims. Inflation Rates Are Similar in August Month-to-month, the inflation rate holds relatively steady at 3.18 percent. This is slightly up when compared to 2.97 percent last month; however, it is significantly lower than the rate of 8.52 percent last year. When compared to the long-term average, inflation is trending in the right direction, as the long-term average is 3.2 percent. Inflation rose at a pace of 0.20 percent in July and met … [Read More...]
A floating interest rate, also known as a variable interest rate or an adjustable rate, is an interest rate that can change over time. Unlike a fixed interest rate, which remains constant for the entire duration of a loan or investment, a floating interest rate fluctuates periodically based on certain factors or benchmarks. The advantage of a floating interest rate is that it can offer flexibility. When interest rates are low, borrowers can benefit from reduced interest payments. However, if interest rates rise, the cost of borrowing will also increase. How Does A Floating Rate Work? A … [Read More...]