Are you the type of person that struggles with remembering to pay their bills on time? You're not alone. People across the country regularly submit late monthly payments, inflicting terrible damage to their credit. Let's take a quick look at how paying your loan or other monthly payments late can have a negative impact on your mortgage. Your Credit Score Is At Risk As you already know, almost all banks, credit cards, mortgage companies and other lenders rely on your credit score to help assess the risk of lending money to you. Paying any of your payments late – even something as small as … [Read More...]
Do you have an empty basement or separated suite in your home? If you have a suite sitting empty, you are missing out on collecting some extra monthly income in the form of rent. Let's take a look at a quick four-step process that will help you find the perfect tenant to rent out your basement suite. Step 1: Play By The Rules Is this your first time renting out a home or suite to a tenant? If so, you will want to do a bit of research first. Read up on Fair Housing Rules and other regulations as these will inform you of your responsibilities as a landlord. Keep in mind that you cannot … [Read More...]
Do you have an empty basement or separated suite in your home? If you have a suite sitting empty, you are missing out on collecting some extra monthly income in the form of rent. Let's take a look at a quick four-step process that will help you find the perfect tenant to rent out your basement suite. Step 1: Play By The Rules Is this your first time renting out a home or suite to a tenant? If so, you will want to do a bit of research first. Read up on Fair Housing Rules and other regulations as these will inform you of your responsibilities as a landlord. Keep in mind that you cannot … [Read More...]
Last week, consumers were treated to several indicators on inflation that not only paint a picture of the economy’s health but also give the Fed more information to work with as it continues to aim for a soft landing. August Sees a Slight Upward Trend in Inflation This week, the personal consumption expenditures price index, which excludes more volatile commodities like food and energy, increased 0.1 percent for the month. This is lower than the expected value of 0.2 percent, which indicates that the rising interest rates are starting to have an impact on the economy as the Fed continues … [Read More...]
Last week, consumers were treated to several indicators on inflation that not only paint a picture of the economy’s health but also give the Fed more information to work with as it continues to aim for a soft landing. August Sees a Slight Upward Trend in Inflation This week, the personal consumption expenditures price index, which excludes more volatile commodities like food and energy, increased 0.1 percent for the month. This is lower than the expected value of 0.2 percent, which indicates that the rising interest rates are starting to have an impact on the economy as the Fed continues … [Read More...]
For many people, putting their home up for sale is an exciting time. With real estate on the rise, there are plenty of opportunities to see financial gains. Unfortunately, even if you're selling your home, there are still going to be costs involved before ownership is transferred. If you want to be prepared for what to expect, here are some costs to watch out for.
Real Estate Agent Fees
As with buying a home, there will be costs involved in selling your home with an agent who will take a percentage out of the total sale of your home. Fortunately, while this will cost money, utilizing a real … [Read More...]