If you are interested in selling your house, you need to make sure you get as much money for it as possible. There is never a second chance to make a first impression, and every detail matters when you want to get an offer on the table. That means you need to pay attention to the color of your paint as well. Even though this might sound like a relatively minor detail, the color of your paint does matter. What do you need to know about paint color and its impact on your home’s value? The First Impression First, the color of your walls matters because it is responsible for the first … [Read More...]
Last week’s economic reporting included readings on inflation, retail sales, and the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee meeting. Fed Chair Jerome Powell held his scheduled post-meeting press conference and weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released.
Federal Reserve Raises Target Interest Rate Range
The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee announced its decision to raise the Fed’s target interest rate range to 4.25 to 4.50 percent from its previous range of 3.75 to 4.00 percent.
Fed Chair Jerome Powell … [Read More...]
Did you recently receive your annual notice that the rent is going up? If so, you're not alone. Millions of renters are seeing more and more of their income drained away due to higher rents. To make matters worse, every dollar in rent is one that you are not saving, investing or using to build your net worth. If you're feeling the pinch of higher rents, it might be time to buy your first starter home. Comparing Rent With A Mortgage Have you ever done the math to understand how close your monthly rent might be to a mortgage payment? Here's a quick and easy exercise. Multiply your monthly rent … [Read More...]
If you are tired of deploying sprinklers and standing over your yard with a hose, you might be interested in some irrigation options. There are plenty of choices available, and you need to think about all of your options before you decide which one is best for your needs. What are a few examples to consider? A Drip Irrigation System A drip irrigation system delivers water directly to the roots of plants. It delivers water at a slow, steady pace using micro-sprayers, bubbler nozzles, or inline emitters. The biggest advantage of this type of system is that it uses significantly less water when … [Read More...]
Ask any friend or family member that owns a home and they will share that it takes a bit of management to keep all the expenses under control. Let's explore the concept of PITI and why it is vital to have a clear picture of how much your home is costing you each month. Just What Is PITI, Anyway? PITI is an acronym that stands for "principal, interest, taxes and insurance," which are the four main components that make up your housing costs. Principal - this is the amount that you are paying against the total amount that you borrowed when you purchased the home. For example, if you used a … [Read More...]
You might want to make some upgrades to your house, but they could be a bit expensive. If you make upgrades to your house that qualify as medical expenses, you may be able to deduct them from your taxes. Before you do so, you should always reach out to a qualified accountant who can review your work to make sure you are allowed to claim that deduction. What are a few examples of home upgrades that might be tax deductible? Upgrades That Address Joint Pain If you have severe joint pain, you may have a difficult time navigating your house. You may need to make some upgrades to your house that … [Read More...]